2019-2020 Mentored Graduate Research Fellows
Adibah Abdulhadi
is currently pursuing her PhD in Economics at UW-Madison.
Adibah's research interests in workers' welfare, with emphasis on policy
implications, translate well to the CFS RDRC research collaboration with
Wisconsin Department Employee Trusts Funds (ETF) that she will be working
on throughout her fellowship. This project will explore the potential for data
matching and the development of cross-program datasets and detail a
prioritized set of proposals for future studies.
Leafia Zi Ye is a PhD student in Sociology at UW-Madison, where she is also an affiliate of the Center for Demography and Ecology. Her research focuses on the physical and economic well-being of immigrant populations in the United States. She is particularly interested in how immigrants’ access to resources changes over the life course and how their health and economic trajectories may be connected. As a CFS RDRC fellow, she works on a report that explores nativity differences in retirement resources and their implications for health in later life. (ye43@wisc.edu)