
FY2021 Research Projects

WI21-01: Using Online SSDI Conversations to Improve Communication and Outreach
WI21-02: Retirement in the Context of Intergenerational Transfers
WI21-03: Assessing Vulnerability to Social Security Scams
WI21-04: The Changing Task Content of Jobs for Older Workers
WI21-05: The Effects of Expanding Access to Mental Health Treatment on SS(D)I Applications and Awards
WI21-06: Improving Public Understanding of OASI: An Experimental Approach
WI21-07: Economic Security in Retirement: How Does Borrowing from Home Equity After a Health Shock Affect Health Outcomes?
WI21-08: Employment Shocks, Unemployment Insurance and Caregiving
WI21-09: Epidemiologic Study of the Correlates of Scam Susceptibility, Financial Exploitation, and Fraud in Older Adults
WI21-10: Older Adult Out-of-Pocket Pharmaceutical Spending After Home Mortgage Payoff
WI21-11: Consequences and Response to Identity Theft Victimization among Older Americans
WI21-Q1: Access to a local public housing authority office and SSI participation

JSIT Awards

JSIT21-01: The Effect of the Student Earned Income Exclusion on Labor Market and Educational Choices of SSI Recipients
JSIT21-02: Income Volatility and Social Security: Understanding Farm Losses and their Implications
JSIT21-03: SSI Policy and Homeownership: Patterns Across Categories of Disability & Race
JSIT21-04: The Impact of Medicaid Enrollment Expansion on the Health Well-being of SSI and SSDI Beneficiaries
JSIT21-05: Medicaid Receipt and Health Outcomes in Youth with Sickle Cell Disease Living in Poverty

IRP Small Grant Award

IRP21-01: Employment Transitions, Income, and Material Hardship among Older Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Extramural Mentored Fellowship Program

EMF21-01: Does State-Sponsored Retirement Program Support Low-Income Workers Saving for Retirement? An Early Evidence from the OregonSaves Program
EMF21-02: The Role of Health Insurance in the Latinx-White Wealth Gap in the United States
EMF21-03: Financial Health of Retirees and People with Disabilities: The Role of Income and Expenditure Timing
EMF21-04: Effects of Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace Plans on Disability Claiming

Projects By Year