WI20-Q1: Determinants of the Use of Supplemental Security Income by American Indian and Alaska Natives



American Indian and Alaska Natives (AIAN) participate in the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program at about twice the rate of the general population. Despite experiencing some of the worst poverty and mortality rates of demographic groups in the US, there is very little research examining how the social safety net affects these individuals. Are there specific factors that drive utilization of public support and public health programs? How do these programs interact with one another to improve well-being? This study examines the expansion of Medicaid to eligible adults on SSI participation by AIAN individuals, the
interaction between Medicaid and the Indian Health Service (IHS) system, and geographic variation in economic opportunities stemming from the expansion of Indian gaming.


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WI20-Q1: Determinants of the Use of Supplemental Security Income by American Indian and Alaska Natives

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