2024-25 Junior Scholar Intensive Training (JSIT)

JSIT Summer Workshop: June 10 – 14, 2024 (in-person in Madison, WI)
JSIT Fall Research Presentations: August 26, 2024 (virtual)

JSIT Overview
The UW RDRC at the University of Wisconsin–Madison in collaboration with Howard University, hosted the 2024-25 Junior Scholar Intensive Training (JSIT) in Madison, WI. The JSIT program centers around the Summer Workshop, a week-long intensive held in June in-person at the University of Wisconsin Madison.

JSIT brings together scholars from a variety of disciplines, including junior faculty (non-tenured), newly graduated PhD researchers, and dissertators, who are interested in topics related to social insurance and intersections with disability and retirement research. The goal of JSIT is to provide emerging scholars with training and mentoring to develop research ideas and to write an initial research proposal of relevance to the Social Security Administration, their programs, policies, and/or beneficiaries. JSIT scholars present their initial research idea at the Summer Workshop; receive peer and mentor feedback; continue to refine it over the summer; and present an updated project idea at the Fall Workshop. These proposals can then be entered into the JSIT Research Competition, which awards five scholars $5,000 to complete their JSIT research.
All training, mentoring, career coaching, course materials, travel, lodging, meals and incidentals (if applicable) are fully covered.

Meet the JSIT 2024 Scholars here .
A list of JSIT Mentors and Instructors is available here along with an agenda of the week-long workshop here .