
FY2022 Research Projects

WI22-01: The Effect of Public Policies on Work Disability
WI22-02: Exploring Worker and Firm Characteristics that Drive Use of Accommodation for Workers with Disabilities
WI22-03: Family Proximity and Co-Residence in Retirement: Heterogeneity in Residential Changes Across Older Adults’ Economic and Care Contexts
WI22-04: All in the Family: Parents of Children with Disabilities and Retirement
WI22-05: Social Security Interactions with Child Tax Credit Expansion
WI22-06: The Power of Linked Administrative Data: Understanding Racial and Ethnic Differences in SSA and Means-Tested Benefit Receipt and Their Anti-Poverty Effects for Children in Multigenerational Families
WI22-07: The Geography of Long-Term Care: Implications for SSI and Understanding Disparities in Living Arrangements Among Older Adults
WI22-08: The Downstream Health Effects of SSI Take-up Among Older Adults
WI22-09: The COVID-19 Pandemic and Older Adults’ Employment and Economic Security: Insights from Earnings and Credit Panel Data
WI22-10: Enhancing Trust in the Social Security Administration and E-Government Among People Targeted by Fraud
WI22-11: Housing for SSI Recipients: Expenditures, Quality, and Trends
WI22-12: Health, Health Insurance, and Financial Security
WI22-13: Household Composition, Resource Use, and the Resilience of Older Adults Aging in Community During COVID-19
WI22-Q1: Health, Disability and Financial Well-Being during the Pandemic
WI22-Q2: “The Utilization of ABLE Accounts and Other Tax-advantaged Savings Accounts: A Scoping Review
WI22-Q3: “Implications of Child Incarceration for Racial Disparities in Women’s Wealth and Labor Force Attachment

JSIT Awards

JSIT22-01: Disability Determination, Employment Histories, and Age at First SSI Receipt
JSIT22-02: The Retirement Implications of Non-Standard Work
JSIT22-03: Employment Among Adolescent Children of SSDI Recipients
JSIT22-04: Does Broadband Technology affect the Applications Rates of the Social Security Benefits?: Evidence during the Closure of Social Security field offices
JSIT22-05: Long-Term Care and Family Caregiving Across Racial and Ethnic Groups

IRP Small Grant Award

IRP22-01: The Shifting Safety Net: The Role of Disability Insurance Programs in Household Budgets, Dynamics, and the Broader Community

Extramural Mentored Fellowship Program

EMF22-01: Assessing Administrative Burden Among Supplemental Security Income Recipients
EMF22-02: Social Security, Retirement and Farmers--A Survey of Wisconsin Farm Owners
EMF22-03: Caregiving Arrangements for Older Adults: The Roles of Family Characteristics and Public Benefits
  • Emily Ellis

Projects By Year