Working Papers

Working Papers provide comprehensive information on a research project’s objectives, background, methods, and findings. Many working papers are later published in journals and books.

FY2020 Papers

WI20-08: Economic Opportunity, Drug Overdose Mortality, and Disability
WI20-01: Nursing Home Use Expectations and Wealth Accumulation Among Older Adults
WI20-04: Lost and Found: Claiming Behavior in Abandoned Retirement Accounts
WI20-06: Trends in Conversations about SSDI in Online Forums
WI20-07: Local Public Housing Authorities’ Housing Choice Voucher Policies Can Affect SSI Participation
WI20-09: The Demographics Behind Aging in Place: Implications for Supplemental Security Income Eligibility and Receipt
WI20-10: Home Ownership and Housing Debt in Retirement: Financial Asset for Consumption Smoothing or Albatross Around the Neck of Retirees?
WI20-11: Housing Wealth and Economic Security in Retirement: Does Borrowing from Home Equity Increase Adherence to Prescription Drugs?
WI20-12: Caregiving and Labor Force Participation: New Evidence from the Survey of Income and Program Participation
Postdoc20-01: High School Coursework and Labor Force Attachment at Midlife
GRMF20-01: Continuous Convergence or Cumulative (Dis)advantage? U.S. Immigrants’ Economic Integration in Later Life
JSIT20-01: Direct and Spillover Effects of Child Supplemental Security Income
  • Maliha M. Singh
JSIT20-02: Impacts of Parental Health Shocks on Adult Children’s Wealth Accumulation
JSIT20-03: Pension Plan Types and Social Security Knowledge: New Survey Evidence
JSIT20-04: The Effect of Insurance Expansion on SSI Participation: Evidence from the ACA
JSIT20-05: The Unintended Effect of Medicaid Aging Waivers on Informal Care giving
WI20-Q1: Determinants of the Use of Supplemental Security Income by American Indian and Alaska Natives
WI20-Q2: Economic Security of Older Adults during the COVID-19 Crisis: Early Data to Inform Research and Policy
WI20-02: Firm Investment, Labor Supply, and the Design of Social Insurance: Evidence from Accommodations for Workplace Disability
IRP20-01: Criminal Justice Involvement and Well-Being in Old Age
PostDoc20-02: Economic Impact of State Paid Family Leave Policies on Caregivers with Older and Disabled Adults
WI20-03: SSDI and Intergenerational Economic Mobility
GRMF20-02: Filling in the Gap: The Role of Employer-provided DI

Papers By Year