Working Papers

Working Papers provide comprehensive information on a research project’s objectives, background, methods, and findings. Many working papers are later published in journals and books.

FY2023 Papers

WI23-02: Disparities by Race and Gender in SS(D)I Applications and Awards
WI23-04: "It's Hard to Know What to Expect": Parents of Children with Disabilities in Retirement
WI23-05: The Effect of Public Policies on Work Disability: A Life Course Perspective
WI23-06: Does Health Insurance Reduce Consumption Risk?
WI23-08: COVID-19 Health Disparities and the Economic Security of Families with Children
WI23-07: The Impacts of Racial Differences in Economic Challenges on Housing, Wealth, and Economic Security Among OASI Beneficiaries
WI23-11: Work-Related Injuries and Older Workers: Earnings, Labor Supply, Program Participation, and Retirement
WI23-12: Financial Inclusion Across the United States
WI23-13: How Does the Death of a Partner During the COVID-19 Pandemic Affect the Economic Security of the Surviving Older Adult? Evidence From Credit Panel and Labor Force Participation Data
WI23-14: Pathways into and out of Housing Insecurity and Homelessness: Relationships between Age, Public Program Use, and Housing Stability
WI23-09: Racial Wealth Disparities in Older Age and Social Security Program Participation
WI23-10: Improving Financial Security for People with Disabilities: The Promise of ABLE Accounts
WI23-Q2: Social Security Beneficiary Status and Repartnering after Gray Divorce
EMF23-01: Getting Older and Getting By With SSI
JSIT23-01: Who Will Benefit from the 2024 ABLE Age Adjustment Act?
JSIT23-03: Work Credit Accumulation & SSDI Eligibility Among Young Adults
JSIT23-04: Does access to paid sick leave facilitate the employment and employment intensity of older workers?
JSIT23-05: Exploring Disability and Social Welfare Participation through the Lens of Food Insecurity
EMF23-02: The Relationship between Pre-Retirement Psychological Distress and Family Wealth at Retirement by Race and Gender: An Analysis from 2007– 2019 in the United States
JSIT23-02: Violent Victimization, Productivity Interruptions, and the Reinforcement of Social Inequality
WI23-16: Automation and the Decline in Social Security Disability Insurance Applications
IRP23-01: Ordinary Lives: Insurance and Savings in America, 1861 to 1941
WI23-Q3: Under-Claiming of Survivors’ Benefits Among Non-Elderly Adults

Papers By Year